
Showing posts from July, 2018


Instant Protection Most property loss occurs in the initial minutes of a break-in, before police or security teams have had a chance to respond. The GOST Cloak system is designed to provide protection in the critical time gap between the alarm's activation and the response team's arrival at the scene. In a matter of seconds, the GOST Cloak fills the protected area with an impenetrable cloud of smoke that prevents the loss of property, confuses the thief, and forces the intruder out of the premises until the response team arrives. The fog is created by vaporizing a specially formulated glycol solution. Glycol is classified as a foodstuff and is found in many day-to-day substances such as toothpaste and deodorants. The vapor produced is a dense, white fog which reduces visibility to less than 30 cm, practically nil visibility, but which, under normal usage, is harmless to anything found aboard the yacht or commercial ship. SOURCE: